
Spear-Shaped Cataract: All About This Type of Cataract

A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens. The human eye is like a camera, and the lens helps to focus light on the retina, which is the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye. When the lens becomes cloudy, it prevents light from passing through clearly. This can cause blurry vision, double vision, and halos around lights. A cataract can develop in one or both eyes and usually occurs slowly over time. There are many different types of cataracts, and each type has its own set of symptoms and treatment options. In this blog post, we will be discussing spear-shaped cataracts.

What is a Spear-Shaped Cataract?

A spear-shaped cataract is a type of cataract that affects the front part of the eye. This type of cataract is usually seen in people who are over the age of 60.

Symptoms of a spear-shaped cataract include difficulty seeing at night, decreased contrast sensitivity, and increased glare. This type of cataract can also make it difficult to read or see objects that are close up. The development of this type of cataract is usually gradual and can often go unnoticed until it begins to affect vision.

Treatment for spear-shaped cataracts typically involves surgically removing the cloudy portion of the lens and replacing it with an artificial lens. This type of surgery is typically very successful in restoring vision. In some cases, glasses or contact lenses may be all that is needed to improve vision.

How is a Spear-Shaped Cataract Different From Other Types of Cataracts?

A spear-shaped cataract is a cataract that forms in a long, thin shape. This type of cataract is different from other types of cataracts because it is more likely to cause vision problems. Spear-shaped cataracts can block the light that comes into your eye, making it difficult to see. They can also make your eyes look blurry and unfocused.

The difference between these cataracts and other types is that they are more elongated and often cause vision problems due to the way they block light. Another point of difference is that they may not be as easy to spot in an eye exam. This is because they don’t often cause a significant change in the appearance of the eye.

Also, spear-shaped cataracts tend to grow slowly, so they may not be noticed until they have caused significant vision problems. If you notice any changes in your vision, it is important to see an eye doctor right away.

Signs of  Spear-Shaped Cataracts

When it comes to spear-shaped cataracts, there are a few key things to look out for. For starters, this type of cataract typically affects people who are over the age of 60. Additionally, those who have diabetes or a history of diabetes are also at a higher risk for developing this type of cataract.

In terms of symptoms, those with spear-shaped cataracts may notice that their vision is gradually getting worse. This is usually the first sign that something is wrong. Other symptoms can include:

Blurred vision

One of the most common symptoms of cataracts is blurred vision. If you have a cataract, you may notice that your vision is not as clear as it used to be. Things may look fuzzy, or you may have difficulty seeing them at night.

Changes in color perception

If you have a cataract, you may also notice changes in your color perception. Colors may appear to be less vibrant, or you may have difficulty distinguishing between different colors.

Glare and halos around lights

Another common symptom of cataracts is glare and halos around lights. If you have a cataract, you may notice that bright lights seem to be too bright, and they may cause you to squint (We also provide squint surgery). You may also see halos around lights, or light may seem to be shining through a haze.

Eye pain and redness

Although cataracts do not usually cause pain, you may experience some discomfort if your cataract is particularly advanced. You may also notice redness in your eye, or you may feel like there is something in your eye.


If you have a cataract, you may also experience headaches. This is often due to the strain that blurred vision can put on your eyes.


Another common symptom of cataracts is fatigue. This is often caused by the effort that it takes to see clearly when you have a cataract. If you have a cataract, you may find that your eyes feel tired more easily than they used to.

Difficulty reading

If you have a cataract, you may also have difficulty reading. This is because the cataract can make it difficult to see small print. You may find that you need more light to read, or that you have to hold books and newspapers closer to your face than you used to.

Double vision

Another symptom of cataracts is double vision. This occurs when the cataract causes light to be bent in two different directions. As a result, you may see two images instead of one.

Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription

If you have a cataract, you may find that your eyeglass prescription changes more frequently than it used to. This is because the cataract can cause your vision to change over time.

What Causes Spear-Shaped Cataracts?

The reasons for spear-shaped cataracts are not well known, but they might be caused by :


One of the most common causes of spear-shaped cataracts is trauma to the eye. This can occur from a car accident, a fall, or even getting hit in the eye with a ball.


Certain diseases can also cause spear-shaped cataracts. One example is diabetes, which can damage the blood vessels in the eye and lead to cataracts. Other diseases that have been linked to spear-shaped cataracts include glaucoma and uveitis.


Spear-shaped cataracts can also be hereditary, which means they can be passed down from one generation to the next. Sometimes, these cataracts are present at birth, while other times they might not develop until later in life.


An aging eye is more susceptible to developing cataracts, in general. This is because the proteins in the eye begin to break down and clump together as we get older. spear-shaped cataracts are more common in older adults.

How Are Spear-Shaped Cataracts Treated?

There are several ways to treat spear-shaped cataracts, but the most common is surgery. This can be done either by traditional methods or by laser surgery. Traditional surgery involves making an incision in the eye and then removing the cloudy lens. Laser surgery is less invasive and can be done without making an incision. It uses a laser to break up the cloudy lens so that it can be removed more easily.

Another treatment method for spear-shaped cataracts is called phacoemulsification. This involves using a special device to break up the cloudy lens and then suctioning it out of the eye. This method is less invasive than traditional surgery and can be done on an outpatient basis.

Cataract surgery is generally safe and effective, but like all surgeries, there are some risks involved. These include bleeding, infection, and retinal detachment. Sometimes, cataract surgery can also cause glaucoma.

Some other treatment methods are available for spear-shaped cataracts, but they are not as common. These include medications that can help to dissolve the cloudy lens or radiation therapy.

Medications make the cataract smaller, but they do not remove it. Radiation therapy uses high-energy waves to break up the cataract. It is not as common because it can cause side effects such as dry eye, cataract formation, and retinal detachment.

Other than treatment, prevention is the best way to deal with spear-shaped cataracts. Wearing sunglasses and hats when outdoors can help to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Some of these ways of prevention also help with other types of cataracts.

Are You Facing Any Eye Problem? We Are Here To Help


There are many different types of cataracts, and each type has its own set of symptoms and treatment options.  Even though a spear-shaped cataract is a serious condition, the good news is that it can be treated with surgery. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with this type of cataract, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified eye surgeon who can help you get your vision back on track.

Sometimes, people confuse cataracts with other eye conditions, such as glaucoma. It’s important to get a comprehensive eye exam so that you can get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Cataract surgery is a safe and painless procedure. At EyeMantra we have a team of experienced eye surgeons, who will be happy to answer any questions on cataract surgerycataract surgery costcataract lens cost for different cataract surgery types- PhacoemulsificationMICS & Femto Laser Cataract. Call us at +91-9711116605 or email at eyemantra1@gmail.com for inquiries.
