
Bilateral Cataracts: Signs, Causes and Treatment

Most people have never heard of bilateral cataracts before. That’s because this condition is relatively rare. Bilateral cataracts occur when both eyes are affected by the condition, as opposed to unilateral cataracts, which only affect one eye. If you are experiencing vision problems and have been told that you have a cataract, it’s important to understand the different types of cataracts so that you can make an informed decision about your treatment options. In this blog post, we will discuss bilateral cataracts and what you need to know about them.

What are Bilateral Cataracts?

Bilateral means “two-sided.” So, bilateral cataracts are two cataracts, one in each eye. They’re usually similar in size and location within each eye.

Most people with cataracts have bilateral cataracts, which develop at different rates. One eye may have a cataract that’s more advanced than the other. Or you may notice vision changes in one eye first, followed by the other eye a few months or years later.

Cataracts typically form slowly and painlessly over several years. The lens of your eye becomes less transparent and begins to interfere with your vision. At first, you may notice that your vision isn’t as sharp as it used to be. You may also have trouble seeing at night. As the cataract grows, your vision will become increasingly blurry and cloudy.

The history of bilateral cataract surgery goes back to the early 1950s. At that time, surgeons would remove the cloudy lens from one eye and then wait several months before operating on the other eye. Now, however, it’s common for both cataracts to be removed during a single surgery.

There may be some benefit to having both cataracts removed at the same time. These include a shorter overall surgery time, less need for postoperative care, and a lower risk of complications.

If you have bilateral cataracts, your doctor will likely recommend surgery to remove them. Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful surgical procedures performed today. In most cases, it can be done on an outpatient basis, which means you won’t need to stay in the hospital overnight.

Types of Bilateral Cataracts

There are many types of bilateral cataracts, and the most common type is age-related cataracts. Other types of bilateral cataracts include:

Posterior bilateral cataracts

Posterior bilateral cataracts are the most common type of cataracts. This type of cataract forms in the back of the eye and usually affects both eyes. There may be many small cataracts or one large cataract.

Anterior bilateral cataracts

Anterior bilateral cataracts form in the front of the eye and are less common than posterior cataracts. This type of cataract may cause glare and make it difficult to see at night.

Congenital bilateral cataracts

Congenital bilateral cataracts are present at birth or develop in early childhood. They may be caused by a genetic disorder, infection, or injury to the eye.

Traumatic bilateral cataracts

Traumatic bilateral cataracts can occur after an injury to the eye. The most common type of trauma is blunt trauma, such as being hit in the head with a baseball or being in a car accident.

Causes of Bilateral Cataracts

Bilateral cataracts are a type of cataract that occurs when the lens in one or both eyes becomes cloudy from age, injury or disease.
There are many causes of these types of cataracts, but the most common is age. As people age, the lens in their eyes gradually becomes less elastic and gets harder to move. This can make it more difficult for light to pass through the lens and into your eyes.
Other causes of bilateral cataracts include:

Trauma to the eye, such as a fall or a punch to the face

Trauma can cause the lens of the eye to become dislodged, which can lead to cataracts.

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light

Exposure to UV light over time can damage the proteins in the lens of the eye, which can lead to cataracts. Sometimes this damage can be seen in the form of “sunburned” eyes.


Smoking is a risk factor for many diseases, and cataracts are no exception. Also, Smoking increases your risk of developing cataracts.


Diabetes can cause changes in the proteins of the eye, which can lead to cataracts. When diabetes causes changes in the proteins of the lens, it is called a “ diabetic cataract.”

High levels of cholesterol in the blood

An excess of cholesterol in the blood can cause it to build up in the lens of the eye, which can lead to cataracts.

Certain medications

Some medications can increase your risk of developing cataracts. These include steroids, beta-blockers, and antipsychotic drugs.

Previous eye surgery

Previous eye surgery, such as cataract surgery, can sometimes cause new cataracts to form. This is because the incisions made during surgery can damage the proteins in the lens of the eye.

Genetic factors, such as family history

Anterior bilateral cataracts are more common in people who have a family history of the condition.

Symptoms of It

There are many symptoms of these types of cataracts, and they can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Some common symptoms include:

Blurry vision

This is one of the most common signs of bilateral cataracts. You may also have difficulty seeing at night or in dim light. Sometimes there may be a halo around the lights.


You may notice that bright lights are more bothersome than they used to be. This can make driving at night difficult.

Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription

If you have bilateral cataracts, you may need to change your eyeglass prescription more often than usual. This is because cataracts can cause your vision to change over time.

Double vision

In some cases, you may see two images instead of one. This is caused by the way light is refracted by the cataract-affected lens. Also, in this sign, there can be one image that’s blurry and the other that’s clear.

Constant eye pain

This is a rare symptom, but it can occur if the cataract is very large or causes inflammation in the eye. Sometimes this pain can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Diagnosis of Bilateral Cataracts

Bilateral cataracts are a common type of cataract. They occur when the lens in both eyes becomes cloudy from age or disease. The cloudiness can make it difficult to see clearly.

There are many ways to diagnose bilateral cataracts. Your doctor may do a physical exam and ask you about your vision. He or she may also perform eye tests, such as an eye exam with computerized tomography (CT) scan.

If your doctor suspects that you have bilateral cataracts, he or she will usually recommend that you have surgery to remove the lenses in both eyes. This is called a bilateral cataractectomy.

The diagnosis of bilateral cataracts may also be made using a special type of imaging device, called a sonography scan.

If you have bilateral cataracts and are not sure whether you have them, it is important to see a doctor. Surgery may be the best option for you.

Treatment of Bilateral Cataracts

If you have these types of cataracts, you may be wondering what the best treatment is. Fortunately, there are many options available to you, depending on your particular situation. Here, we will discuss the different treatment options for these types of cataracts and help you decide which one is best for you.

Treatment of bilateral cataracts typically includes a combination of surgical and nonsurgical methods. Surgical methods include removing the lens in each eye and replacing it with an artificial one. In some cases, a patient may also require additional procedures to improve their vision.

Nonsurgical methods include using glasses or contact lenses to improve your vision. Depending on your situation, other treatments such as laser surgery or radiation therapy may also be recommended. Ultimately, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to find the best treatment option for you.

If you are considering treatment for your bilateral cataracts, it is important to contact a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Treatment can often improve your vision significantly, and you may be able to avoid additional costs down the road.

How To Prevent It?

Bilateral cataracts are a common type of vision loss. The cause is usually a combination of age and genetics, but can also be caused by certain diseases or injuries. If left untreated, these types of cataracts can progress to total blindness. Here are some tips to help prevent bilateral cataracts:

1. Keep your eyes healthy by getting regular check-ups. During a check-up, your doctor will examine your eyes and look for signs of eye disease. If you have any symptoms that suggest you have a vision problem, schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

2. Avoid smoking. Smoking has been linked with several health problems, including eye disease. If you smoke, make sure to stop smoking before you develop bilateral cataracts.

3. Limit your exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can damage your eyes and lead to bilateral cataracts. Wear sunglasses and sunscreen when outdoors and avoid looking at the sun directly for long periods.

4. Get regular exercise. Exercise has been shown to improve overall health and may also help prevent bilateral cataracts in people who are at risk for them.

5. Maintain a healthy diet. Make sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Furthermore, These foods are rich in antioxidants, which can protect your eyes from damage.

6. Don’t smoke tobacco products. Tobacco products are also harmful to your eyes.

7. Talk to your doctor about any other ways you can protect your eyes from vision loss.

Are You Facing Any Eye Problem? We Are Here To Help


If you are reading this, you are likely experiencing symptoms of a cataract. Cataracts are a common condition in aging and can cause significant visual impairment. If left unchecked, they can even lead to blindness. This guide provides an overview of the different types of cataracts and offers advice on how to prevent them from developing and what to do if they already have developed. Furthermore, this guide has helped address some of your questions about bilateral cataracts and given you some tips on how to manage them. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your doctor or visit a nearby eye clinic for more information.

Cataract surgery is a safe and painless procedure. At EyeMantra we have a team of experienced eye surgeons, who will be happy to answer your questions on cataract surgery, cataract surgery cost, and cataract lens cost for different cataract surgery types- Phacoemulsification, MICS & Femto Laser Cataract. Call us at +91-9711116605 or email at eyemantra1@gmail.com for inquiries.
